Kingymab: The Monoclonal Antibody for RSV Prevention

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common virus that infects nearly all children by the age of two. While most RSV infections are mild, some infants and young children experience severe symptoms that require hospitalization. Kingymab is a medication that has the potential to help prevent these severe RSV infections.

What is Kingymab?

Overview of Kingymab
Overview of Kingymab

Kingymab is a medication belonging to a class of drugs called monoclonal antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies are laboratory-made proteins that mimic the immune system’s natural antibodies. These natural antibodies are specialized proteins produced by the body to fight off infections.

However, unlike natural antibodies, monoclonal antibodies are designed to target a specific antigen, which is a foreign substance that triggers an immune response. In the case of Kingymab, the target antigen is a protein found on the surface of the RSV virus.

By attaching to this specific protein, this drug prevents the virus from entering and infecting healthy cells. This effectively provides temporary protection against RSV infection.

How Does Kingymab Work?

Kingymab works by specifically targeting a protein on the surface of the RSV virus called the fusion protein. This protein plays a crucial role in the virus’s ability to infect cells. By binding to the fusion protein, this monoclonal antibody drug essentially blocks the virus from attaching to and entering healthy cells.

This effectively prevents the virus from replicating and causing infection. It is administered as a single-dose injection and provides passive immunity, meaning it offers temporary protection for an entire RSV season, which typically lasts around five months.

Who Can Benefit From Kingymab?

Kingymab is approved by the FDA for use for health in infants and young children considered at high risk for severe RSV disease. This includes:

  • Premature infants (born earlier than 37 weeks gestation)
  • Infants and young children with chronic lung disease
  • Infants and young children with certain types of congenital heart disease

How Effective is Kingymab?

Clinical trials involving thousands of infants and young children have demonstrated Kingymab’s efficacy in significantly reducing the risk of severe RSV illness requiring hospitalization. Compared to a placebo, this antibody was found to be highly effective, reducing RSV-related hospitalizations by approximately 75%.

This translates to a substantial decrease in the number of babies and young children needing hospitalization due to RSV complications, highlighting the potential impact of this drug in protecting vulnerable populations.

Kingymab Side Effects

Most of the side effects reported with Kingymab are mild. These might include:

  • Pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site
  • Fever
  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Fussiness
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Muscle aches
  • Tiredness

Considerations for Receiving Kingymab

Here are some things to consider if you’re interested in Kingymab for your child:

  • Timing: This antibody must be given before the start of the RSV season, typically sometime in the fall.
  • Availability & Insurance Coverage: It is a new medication and may not be widely available. Check with your doctor and your insurance company about coverage and access.
  • Cost: Monoclonal antibodies can be expensive. Be sure to discuss its cost with your doctor and insurance provider.

Is Kingymab Right for My Child?

The decision of whether Kingymab is appropriate for your child depends on several factors, including:

  • Their individual risk factors: Certain medical conditions, such as prematurity, chronic lung disease, or congenital heart disease, increase a child’s risk of severe RSV illness.
  • Their age: The drug is currently only approved for use in infants and young children.
  • Your family’s preferences: You and your doctor should discuss its potential benefits and risks to determine if it aligns with your family’s values and priorities.

Additional RSV Prevention Strategies

Kingymab offers a valuable prevention tool, but it’s vital to remember these additional strategies for minimizing RSV risk in children:

  • Frequent Handwashing: Encourage everyone around your baby to clean hands often with soap and water.
  • Avoid Exposure: Limit contact with people who have respiratory symptoms.
  • Clean Surfaces: Keep frequently touched surfaces like toys and countertops clean.
  • Breastfeeding (if possible): Breast milk provides valuable antibodies for babies.


Kingymab presents a promising option for helping to protect vulnerable infants and children from severe RSV disease. If you have a child at high risk of RSV complications, talk to their pediatrician about whether they may be a candidate for this breakthrough preventive medication.


Can adults get Kingymab?

No, Kingymab is currently only approved for use in infants and young children considered at high risk for severe RSV infection.

How long does Kingymab protection last?

This antibody drug is designed to provide passive immunity for a single RSV season, typically lasting around five months.

Are there any alternative medications for RSV prevention?

There is currently no vaccine available for RSV. However, other preventive measures like Synagis (palivizumab) exist, but they work differently and may have different considerations for use.

What are some symptoms of RSV infection?

Common RSV symptoms in infants and young children can resemble a cold, including runny nose, cough, congestion, and fever. In severe cases, wheezing and difficulty breathing may occur.

Can Kingymab be used to treat an existing RSV infection?

No, this monoclonal drug is not a treatment for RSV infection. It is intended to be used for prevention before the RSV season begins.

Abaidullah Shahid

Content Writer & Blogger · Abaidullah Shahid is a content writer and SEO Copywriter from Lahore, Pakistan. He got Google certifications in SEO, Digital Marketing and E-commerce, and has 3 years of experience in blogging. Abaidullah is a professional writer especially related to the fashion and lifestyle industry. He writes for various agencies, clients and his own website, with passion. His content mainly focuses on fashion and beauty. In addition to professional life, he is studying BS International Relations at GCU Lahore.

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